Friday, April 8, 2011

Unearthed Treasure {A Personal Post}

Today, I found this:

I almost forgot about its existence, for it has been packed safely away for so long.
Oh, this little journal. 
I think journaling is a great way to record experiences, emotions, thoughts, hopes, and the like. 
I’m just not very good at it.  I’ll get excited about the notion of journaling, then will lose interest.  In fact, most, if not all, of my journals have been thrown away over the years.
Except this one.  This one is meaningful. 
It starts on July 21, 2006.  It ends on November 24, 2008.  Its small pages are filled with sporadic entries that covers 2 years of my life.
Those years, specifically the first one, were pivotal for me in my walk with the Lord.  My heart had been deeply broken, and I began to fully pour out all that I had to Him.  The funny thing is, in reading some of the entries, I never really expressed in writing my prayers, or blessings, or any of the process of growing in the walk.  Rather, it is very situation specific.  It simply documents events, and my thoughts about them. 
This book speaks clearly of a time in my life that happened.  I can almost read it objectively now, (though not completely without a stab of pain) as enough time and healing has passed.  And I am better for the experience.
I look at it, and though it holds no words of my strengthening walk, I can see it written all over the place. 
God brought me comfort, and drew me close to Him.  He soothed my doubt, healed my heart, turned tears into laughter, and matured me in a way I was never expecting.  I remember my prayers at that time, and I can say in confidence that He answered them.  His answer was to my question was no, but He helped me understand that it was for my own good.  I asked for His will to be done, and it has.
Today, I unearthed a small treasure. 
A simple reminder of God’s unfailing love and grace. 
A reminder of growth and healing. 
Life is funny.  I needed this reminder now, more than ever. 

“Memory…is the diary we all carry about with us.”  Oscar Wilde

1 comment:

Jessica LaTour said...

I love this. He is so loving.